Sunday, January 7, 2018

A Baltimore Teenager Turned Maine Guide

I created this site to share my vintage snowmobile action photos. It morphed into stories about a 1968-era Rock 'n' Roll kid, from Baltimore, who moved to Maine. Where our backyard was the edge of 90-miles of woods. At 18-yrs-old, I was hard working, skilled, talented and successful at becoming a professional outdoorsman - specializing in guiding bear hunters. I became good friends with Mainer country folk of all ages. In those two extremely different American communities, I fit right in. Enjoy on here how I compare the life of an active, sociable teenager in both places. 

On here you'll learn about: Hip Shops In 1965-68 Baltimore, Beatniks, Mods, and The Psychedelic Propellor; What Not To Do When Dating A Bush Pilot's Daughter; Living In The 7600 Block Of Dunmanway, in Dundalk; Guiding Bear Hunters and Driving The Backroads of Maine; Mod Clothing, My 1966-68 Bedroom, and Some Of My Good Friends In High School; along with other entertaining - absolutely true - stories from those times. 

See this website as a book, viewing it a page at a time. Turn the pages by clicking on that OLDER POST button below. 

There is a table of contents over in the right hand column at the bottom of every page- under BLOG ARCHIVE.

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